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Welcome to Apple Bot Documentation

This is the documentation for Apple Bot. As you can see, this documentation is just getting started, so a lot of commands are lacking. Feel free to contribute by clicking the github repository at the top right an pull-requesting your additions back to these docs. Your help would be appreciated.

If there are bugs when using the bot, please join our support server and I will further assist you there. The invite is

Bot Modules


The moderation module has many commands that can help you with moderating your server. All commands in this module currently require you to have the ADMINISTRATOR permission in order to use it. This will be customizable and changable in the future. View Commands here


This bot can grab many types of videos/audios from the internet and stream it into your VC. All the commands related to the playback of music would be in this module. You can even pass a mp3 file from the internet and the bot will play it in the VC.


Useful utilites that can make your life easier. Featuring an OCR reader from google tesseract, or just discord utilities such as viewing the information of a user.


Fun commands for users to use. This includes virtual relationships like marrying, and just offright memes such as fakebanning someone.


Commands in this category are for customizing the bot. You can use [prefix]setting view to view a setting and [prefix]setting edit to edit a setting.